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30 Years Later, English-Language Nintendo Fans Can Enjoy FIRE EMBLEM: SHADOW DRAGON AND THE BLADE OF LIGHT

It’s a surprise Christmas present to Fire Emblem fans all over the world who never got to experience the 1990 game Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & The Blade of Light. Now, 30 years later, a fully localized version of the game is being released for the Nintendo Switch on December 4th.

The Famicom game that started the legendary Fire Emblem history is coming to the Switch and players will be able to control Marth in something other than Super Smash Bros. The 8-bit game has 25 chapters with some enhanced gameplay elements for players to really dig in and explore the adventure. It’s localized for English-speaking players, the game can be rewound to previous turns, increased speeds can breeze through player and AI actions, and custom bookmarks can mark a specific point in the game.

This epic journey has not been available outside of Japan until now.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming release of this classic Fire Emblem game:

  • Choose from over 50 playable characters and discover the roots of the strategic gameplay that defines the Fire Emblem series. Over 20 classes offer ways to find the right strategy for each chapter.

  • Pick the units and classes suited to the mission at hand and approach characters on the battlefield to forge relationships and even add to your army.

  • Make a mistake or lose a favorite unit? New features like save states and rewind let you tailor the challenge to your playstyle!

What’s even better? The game is only going to cost $5.99 if you pre-order it right now. I don’t know if that price will change upon release, but that’s a small cost for a classic game.

And if you want something really special, check out the deluxe anniversary edition at the end of the trailer for a really special physical copy of the game.

Are you excited for Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & The Blade of Light? Let us know in the comments!