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DEATH STRANDING: So Much Confusing Yes

I have seen videos for Death Stranding before, I had no idea what was going on but it looked pretty cool before. My wife and I were just scrolling through YouTube when this was on my recommendations and we decided to watch it, the game looked crazy before and I thought to myself, “this eight minute trailer should shed some light on what the deal is.”

People, I kid you not, I have never been so interested in something that I know literally nothing about. My wife enjoyed the trailer too saying more or less that she was amazed that eight minutes of gameplay and cutscene spoiled just about nothing for the story or even what the game will really be like.

Yes, we can see the politically splintered world that has been changed by what the trailer calls “BTs.” Yes, we see a man is on a journey with various tools at his disposal and some supernatural baby that can see the dead/past/demon world. But do we have any idea why things are the way they are? Nope. Do we have any idea how things are connected or how they will be solved? Nope!

But this story, OH MAN, this story and world look so crazy, so intense, and so alive that I can’t wait to play it. There is so much more I could say and speculate about all the stories connections, but I’ll leave this to your own imagination and the trailer. Get pumped.

Let us know what you think and tell us why your excited! Hideo Kojima has really outdone himself and Kojima Productions. November 8th can’t come soon enough.