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A New MECHASSAULT Could Be Getting Revealed At E3!

E3 is such an exciting time for gamers with all the hype and excitement for what might be shown! It is also a time where most big companies can’t keep leaks from appearing. Unfortunately Microsoft isn’t immune to these leaks and it appears that their whole show for E3 may have been revealed. This leak comes courtesy of Braldyr from over on NeoGAF. Braldyr claims to be an industry insider with intimate knowledge of Microsoft’s E3 plans. Braldyr has separated the information gathered into different categories sorted by what is definitive to less likely to be shown. check out the supposed leaks below!

Definitely Being Shown

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)

Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)

Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year

Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year

Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game

The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date

Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - upcoming Sea of Thieves content.

Battletoads - We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal.

Third Party Reveals - Expect Lots!

Likely To Be Shown

MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal

Next Forza Motorsport - Reveal

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Resident Evil R3Make or Dino Crisis)

More Japanese Games/Teams - More 3rd party support.

Small Chance Of Happening

Next-gen Rare IP - Reveal

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise supervised by Rare by Dlala Studios

Xbox Game Studios Acquisitions - IO Interactive, Relic Entertainment and Asobo

All in all a very impressive list of potential things being shown at this years E3 from Microsoft! Seriously if a new Mechassault game is finally being released I’d be super happy as I had so much fun playing the originals online back in the day. It would also be interesting to see Microsoft acquire IO Interactive as they finally became an independent studio from Square Enix not to long ago. If this rumor does turn out to be true Microsoft please give us a sequel to Freedom Fighters! As with all rumors though take this with a grain of salt until official confirmation can be given.

What do you think of the supposed leak? Share what you would like to see revealed below!