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A New Season Is Coming To SPLITGATE!

The summer hit FPS title SplitGate is gearing up to move their game into its next chapter of updates and reward system. 1047 Games is officially giving players notice that they have until November 30th to finish their Season 0 battle pass and that Season 1 will be starting on December 1st. However, Season 1 will not bring about the finished version of the game but will be a preseason refresh with all-new content and a battle pass as the team works toward the official 1.0 launch, currently set for 2022.

Alongside this announcement, they have already released a new update for the game. This update contains a custom game option that allows players far more control over what kind of matches they want to play. This new feature also came with a facelift to the UI for selecting maps and game modes, making it easier to scroll through present and saved game modes.

This new feature gives players the ability to define their own team traits, setting up the possibility for wildly mixed asynchronous matches. For example, Team A could have supercharged health but be unable to use portals and Team B could have far less health but have use of portals and heavier weaponry. This is the first step of many planned updates in the custom games feature set for fans. Check out the video above to see the developers better explain this feature.

Details for what Season 1 will offer players are said to be coming out soon. Be sure to check back when the details have been revealed!