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Amazon Games Acknowledges Nasty Bot Problem in NEW WORLD

Mr. Roboto

Despite some shortcomings, we’ve really been enjoying our time with Amazon Games’ New World and overall, it’s a massive, detailed, and gorgeous world waiting to be explored alone or with some buddies. Like most online games nowadays, there are always people out there looking to ruin the experience for others and I’ve definitely watched trading post prices crash as of late which not only ruins the fun of gathering and selling items in-game, the bots crowd out popular fishing and ore gathering spots as well. It sucks all around but at least Amazon has acknowledged the problem and has already banned over 7,000 accounts as of writing. Do I think this will fix all the issues with bots? Nope, but at least it’s a start and we can only hope that underpriced mats will disappear alongside those nasty bots.

The full press release is as follows: