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Award Winning TTRPG Series MÖRK BORG Gets Yet Another New Theme

Free League Publishing and Limithron have just announced that they are bringing a pirate-themed version of MÖRK BORG in their next expansion, PIRATE BORG! Inspired by history, fantasy, horror, and... rum. It also comes with a warning, “Beware: it's highly unlikely that your cutlass & flintlock will save you from the hordes of skeletons, the Kraken, or even your own crew...”

This version of the game is about being a greedy, filthy scoundrel. No prey, no pay. Find a ship. Recruit some crew. Raid, pillage, plunder, and otherwise pilfer your weasley black guts out. Get a bigger ship. Kill some things. Upgrade your ship. Sneak into a fort. Raid a port. Acquire treasure. Bury said treasure. Become infamous. Search for someone else’s treasure. Flee in terror from unfathomable creatures from the deep. Drink all of the rum. Die on the high seas. Roll a new character and do it all again. Dead men tell no tales, so you'd better get a live one as fast as you can.

Unlike the recent surprise IKHON package that had a small randomization boost for the game, this new experience is a 166-page book. Within it, they include eight character classes, easy-to-learn naval combat rules, stats for 18 vessels, 80+ NPCs & monsters, 90+ system agnostic tables, and The Curse of Skeleton Point, a sandbox-style adventure with eleven pirate-themed locations. 

You can learn more about PIRATE BORG and even pre-order the game now on the Free League website store. Are you ready for another dark adventure within this new theme?