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Become The Ultimate Speed Demon In NEON WHITE

Neon White, the latest game from Ben Esposito, was shown off during the first Annapurna Interactive showcase this week. The last time we saw this game was during Nintendo’s E3 presentation earlier in the summer, but this time we got a deep dive into gameplay and some of the progression systems we can expect from Neon White when it launches later this year.

The trailer starts off by introducing the story of Neon White before digging into how the game actually plays. You’ll play as a “Neon” (essentially a demon-slaying assassin from hell) named White, and you’ll be competing with other Neons to cleanse heaven of a demon infestation before ten days are up.

Using a unique, card-based system White can either wield dangerous weapons against the demonic threat or discard them for fantastical, movement abilities that allow him to navigate the world faster and more efficiently. One example of this is a handgun card that when discarded grants a double-jump ability.

The game encourages replaying levels to try for the fastest possible time. Setting faster personal records awards insight, a type of experience point that unlocks additional objectives and features like collectibles and leaderboards. Collectibles can even be gifted to other Neons to forge bonds and unlock side quests and other secrets.

Neon White will launch in Winter 2021 on the Nintendo Switch and Steam.