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Black Canary Screams Into The Roster For INJUSTICE 2

Black Canary has been announced for Injustice 2 and she looks like the most exciting hero to play as yet! Her character clearly isn't based off the Black Canary's we've seen in Arrow and her hand to hand combat looks on par with the bad ass Canary of the comics we know and love! I love the part in this trailer where Blue Beetle is essentially sparring with her and then we watch her beat the living shit out of him! Check out her trailer and continue on below...

We also have found some new footage for Blue Beetle to share as well! I'm sure many were happy to find out we would be seeing Jaime Reyes and not Ted Kord (who I don't think would be a good fit for this universe) in the game. Check out some more of his gameplay below and play as both when Injustice 2 launches May 16th.