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Blizzard Is Celebrating STARCRAFT's 20th Anniversary With Tons Of Giveaways

On March 31, the original StarCraft is turning 20 years old, and developer Blizzard Entertainment is celebrating the occasion by treating fans of its games with in-game giveaways and a series of streams. To make things even better, Blizzard is extending the rewards and giveaways to players of Diablo 3, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, StarCraft 2, Starcraft: Remastered, and World of Warcraft. 

Check out the details of all the exciting giveaways Blizzard has in store for their players this month: 

StarCraft: Remastered

  • Log in to StarCraft: Remastered after March 6 to receive a commemorative 20th Anniversary UI Skin for StarCraft Remastered. 

StarCraft II

  • Log in to StarCraft II after March 6 to receive a special UI Skin for each race. Additionally, log in between March 6 and April 3 to receive a Portrait and Decal. 

Diablo III

  • Log in to Diablo III after March 6 to receive Dominion’s Revenge, a fearsome Battlecruiser-themed Pet.


  • Log in to Overwatch between March 6 and April 3 to receive the Sarah Kerrigan Ghost skin for Widowmaker. 

World of Warcraft

  • Between March 31 and April 6, salute one of the following StarCraft-themed companion pets - Zergling, Grunty, Mini Thor, Baneling, or Zeradar - to receive the “Salute to StarCraft” Feat of Strength. 

Heroes of the Storm

  • Log in to Heroes of the Storm between March 27 and April 7 to receive a 20th Anniversary Portrait for Protoss, Terran and Zerg. 


  •  Play A StarCraft inspired Tavern Brawl between March 21 and 25 to receive three Kobolds & Catacombs packs!

Blizzard is also planning to host an anniversary stream on March 30 and 31, which will feature popular streamers on Twitch.  On March 31, Blizzard will release a video on YouTube entitled StarCraft is Life: A Celebration, which will feature the biggest fans of the franchise as they share their favorite moments from the past 20 years. 

What is your favorite moment in StarCraft? Share your best experiences in the comments below.