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BOXVR Review: Punching Your Way To Fun!

The rise of VR gaming has opened the doors to a multitude of creative applications. One thing I never thought it would do is become a makeshift gym right in your home. With FitXR’s BoxVR (affiliate link) this is now a very real, and sweaty, possibility! And thanks to Perp Games, BoxVR can now come home on a physical disk.

What’s In The Box

BoxVR comes in a standard PSVR style case with the required VR accessories being displayed in the bottom left. BoxVR is displayed boldly in the center of the cover with two people behind it. One is punching outward while the other looks to be dodging or blocking. Alongside both people is a display of the number of calories they are burning by their actions. Along the bottom are the FitXR and Perp Games logos. On the back of the case are a series of screenshots depicting what the game is about and a “Best cardio game of 2018” award. Below this is the typical PS4 case fare.


BoxVR’s routines have been designed by fitness professionals from around the world to use the VR technology to deliver a true in-home workout. The gameplay is similar to that of popular VR title Beat Saber but much more intense in the cardio department. Targets will approach you and it is your task to punch them using jabs, hooks, and uppercuts. Targets will be colored the same as the colors of your gloves in both hands. Sometimes a block tile will approach, requiring you to move both hands up in front of you. There are also obstacles that will require you to lean and squat to avoid. Depending on the routine, you will also be asked to change your foot stance to a left or right dominant position. Learning the basics of the game has been a very simple task, but mastering the routines is an entirely different beast. 

Routines have varying lengths from a couple of minutes to over an hour. Longer routines have varying intensities and speeds letting you get a good build-up before really letting loose and then bring you back down before getting intense again. This variety has been one of the best features to me and has kept me engaged through multiple sessions. The numerous amounts of routines available at different lengths also ensure that there is something for anyone to do, regardless of time constraints they might be under. For myself, I have been doing a quick 15-minute routine in the mornings and another longer 30 to 45 minute routine at night when I have more time and fewer reviews to write! And man they do get your heart pumping and your body sweaty. If any of the supplied routines aren’t to your liking, custom ones can be created to better suit your needs.

If you are someone that enjoys working out with other people BoxVR also happens to feature multiplayer. Private lobbies can be created where you can then invite your friends to do a routine with you. I believe up to 6 people can be in a lobby at any given point. I wasn’t able to test this functionality out for myself though As I don’t happen to have PSN at the moment.

Punching is an interesting mechanic and I have really been enjoying it. As with most rhythm games, targets are hit to the beat of the background music. The PlayStation Move controllers will track the force you swing with and if you don’t swing hard enough, the target won’t be destroyed. This game is designed to make you tired and it wants you to go all in! The force of your hits also correlates into how much score you get at the end of a routine. While it is cool that there is a leaderboard and scoring, I thought it was cooler to see the accuracy of your hit types. I have a hard time hitting uppercuts, so getting to see how they related to my other punch types was a cool experience. Do keep your surroundings in mind though as I have more than once smacked my headset trying to get a last-second uppercut I missed!

Another great tool in BoxVR is the fitness tracker. All of your sessions are logged so you can see exactly how many calories you have burned and the time you have put into the game. Goals can be set for you to meet to further your own personal fitness goals. I have a goal to try and lose 10 pounds before the end of the year so let’s see if I make it!


BoxVR is a simple game, but menus and targets appear crisp even in the PSVR’s lower resolution headset. During routines you can choose between 3 different backdrops to look at while you punch. 2 are based on a virtual gym with one during the day and the other at night. The last is an interesting outdoor neon landscape that has become my personal favorite.


The audio in BoxVR is well-produced and the tracks to accompany each routine feel perfectly suited to the game. Sadly for PSVR owners, the ability to import custom songs is not available like on PC.


The biggest things keeping me coming back to BoxVR are the enjoyable gameplay and fitness tracker. If the game wasn’t as fun as it is I am not sure I would really make it anywhere towards my goal, but it is, and I have been having a blast tricking myself into exercising!

What It Could Have Done Better

As far as complaints go there aren’t any that have popped up during the course of my review. Now my arms getting tired, that’s annoying, but that’s on me!


BoxVR takes the enjoyability of rhythm VR titles and combines it with professionally choreographed routines expertly. I have never enjoyed going to the gym and fitness games have been my go-to ever since Wii Fit made its debut. Seriously, I got to my required boot camp weight thanks to Wii Fit! BoxVR has felt far more effective and let’s be honest, a ton more fun than almost any other fitness inspired game I have ever played before. For anyone like me who hates going to the gym but wants to have a fun way to stay in shape, BoxVR is for you so pick it up today (affiliate link)!