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Brief MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA Pre-Order Video Teases Multiplayer Gameplay

Bioware has been quiet about the multiplayer aspect of Mass Effect: Andromeda, so it's surprising that we all the sudden learn about it through a short pre-order trailer! The mode is not explicitly mentioned, but as you can see from the image above and the 5 seconds it's in the trailer, it's definitely there!

As Gamespot points out, what little we do see seems to be very similar to the multiplayer of Mass Effect 3. Lots of people enjoyed the multiplayer mode the previous game had to offer so I can't see too many complaining about the fact we will have more of the same in Mass Effect: Andromeda. After all, the main point of this game has and will always be about the campaign.

I'm focusing so much on the multiplayer that I'm completely forgetting the pre-order bonuses! For those of you against pre-ordering, the only thing you'll be missing out on are two in-game skins and a "booster pack" that will help those who pre-order level faster on multiplayer. I'm not too crazy about the last one, but if people weren't so willing to drop cash on the opportunity to get good they wouldn't be there. Mass Effect: Andromeda is expected in stores March 21st! Anyone excited to see multiplayer back?