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By The Numbers: The DIABLO IV Beta Was Absolutely Massive

To say the response to the recent Early Access and Open Beta weekend for Diablo IV was big would be a gross understatement. Absolutely massive would be a much more appropriate term and I can most assuredly confirm that I played it to death, combed every inch, nook and cranny, and despite some concerns, I came away more excited than ever for the June 6th launch date. Blizzard has confirmed it is by far the largest Open Beta in Diablo series history.

Looking at some of the stats above provided by Blizzard themselves, some items stand out more than others. Of course, the best class was Sorcerer and that unsurprisingly was the most played class. A bit surprising to me, even though it was awesome to play and super powerful at early levels, the Necromancer came in second place for the most played class. It wasn’t clear from our press material which class was least played but I have seen the most concern with the Druid class from feedback in the community. We definitely struggled with being underpowered as a Druid at least in beta form.

Lastly, the number of Beta Wolf Packs earned was equally impressive as at least 2.6m players made it to level 20 or higher during the beta weekend. With such a huge player base, especially for beta, the server queues and stability server improved each day and one can only help with can enjoy some similar experiences for launch in June.