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Check Out 2D Puzzle Game SPIRITS OF BACIU And Play The Free Prologue Today

The indie team Horns Level Up is working on a unique, hand-drawn 2D puzzle adventure game called Spirits of Baciu: The Deception. A few months ago, they gave players their first opportunity to try out their game by releasing a free playable prologue on Steam, which is still available now.

In Spirits of Baciu, you wake up as The Lost One, a cat-like spirit in the middle of the woods not knowing how and when you got there. Explore the forest, interact with the environment, talk to spirits to collect clues and other objects, and listen to the environment, as its inhabitants will help you along the way. This point-and-click platforming adventure will challenge players to solve riddles and puzzles while paying close attention to the sounds of the forest, which may prove crucial to solving some puzzles.

Thanks to the success of the prologue’s reception, the team is looking to run a Kickstarter campaign to finish the full game. If you’re interested, don’t forget to follow the game on Kickstarter and wishlist it on Steam to catch the latest updates. You can also play the Spirits of Baciu: The Deception prologue yourself on Steam!