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Check Out CrowJane And Her Merging Of Music And SFX Makeup

Motion capture makeup artist of both The Last of Us Part II and Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, Heather Galipo, is an artist of many hats. If you don’t know her from either of those titles then you may know of her work in the recent live-action version of Disney’s Mulan or from Ryan Murphy’s series called Hollywood. Under her stage name of CrowJane, she blends her love for makeup and SFX with her musical talents. Her music videos use some really great shots as well as the actual makeup and effects that take place within them. They’re off-putting in the best ways possible. It’s a great thing to see artists implementing everything about themselves into what they do to relax and escape.

The artist’s first full-length album titled Mater Dolorosa came out this past September 15th and is available right now on a number of music services. Her music styling is avant-garde and the music videos truly go with the theme of each song. CrowJane herself says that, “A lot of thought and experimenting went into this album,” and continues “A variety of experimental percussive sounds, some coming from instruments that we made out of various materials like bed railing, tin cans, foil, etc. This album is uncomfortably personal which makes me feel exposed to the public. It is riddled with pain and self-reflection from personal experiences and the state of the world. At the same time, it shines a light on some of the beauty of being so exposed and overcoming obstacles. It's a love story and it's an expression of gratitude to so many that have left a stamp on my life and helped me grow”. You can purchase her album here at Amazon or view her music videos here at Youtube. If you’d like to learn more about CrowJane then you can also follow her on Twitter!