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Check Out JUDAS The Newest Game From BioShock Creator Ken Levine

Ghost Story Games

The Game Awards 2022 was filled with a ton of new game reveals and BioShock fans were not excluded from this. As many fans may know, Irrational Games developed BioShock when they were with 2K Games. Ken Levine led the team as creative director for BioShock and BioShock Infinite. Let's not also forget about a little game called System Shock 2. Ken Levine now has his own Studio, Ghost Story Games, and they are currently working on a Next-gen and PC-only title.

Judas is the newest narrative-driven game from the mind of Ken Levine and will take players to space. You can check out the gameplay trailer here. The gameplay shown in the trailer looks very reminiscent of BioShock and I couldn't be more excited. The brief description of the game on their official site states the following:

“A disintegrating starship. A desperate escape plan. You are the mysterious and troubled Judas. Your only hope for survival is to make or break alliances with your worst enemies. Will you work together to fix what you broke – or will you leave it to burn?”

This alludes to the fact that players will most likely be given the freedom of choice to determine how the story plays out. How much freedom is still undisclosed. It will be exciting to see more information revealed for Judas going into the new year and we will be sure to keep you up to date.

If you want to check out the winners of The Game Awards, you can conveniently find all of them here.

Judas currently does not have a release date and will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam and EGS.