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Check Out The Horrific Thriller Game BYE SWEET CAROLE

Recently announced with their first trailer is Bye Sweet Carole, a horrific thriller game from Just For Games and Little Sewing Machine. This initial trailer showcases both the game's incredible art style and the unique mood and atmosphere awaiting players. This game is inspired by the greatest animation movies and created by Chris Darril, who is known for the Remothered series.

Be ready to jump into the world of Corolla and meet the rabbits that have infested it. Young Lana Benton, urged by the terrifying Mr. Kyn, also known as “Old Hat,” finds herself catapulted into a mysterious enchanted garden to deal with menacing and disturbing creatures. After discovering a number of letters from a certain “French,” Lana decides to follow the last known trail of Carole Simmons, a girl of the same age who apparently escaped from Bunny Hall, an orphanage in the nineteenth century. The building is now infested by a colony of wild rabbits able to open a dimensional portal to the realm of Corolla...

Bye Sweet Carole is planned for release in 2024 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.