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Check Out The New AVOWED Gameplay Trailer Revealed

Xbox Game Studios and Obsidian Entertainment had placed their big role-playing game Avowed on delay like many other games in the last few years. Fans were bummed and rightfully so. It wasn't until a substantial trailer was released that fans regained hope for the game.

The game is a spin-off of the mainline Pillars of Eternity franchise, taking place in the same world. The narrator could be an Aumaua, an island-based race, but it's tough to say for sure. The character acts as the narrator for the trailer’s story. The player will apparently be a powerful mage, almost too powerful. It’s stated that the main character is looking to purge a plague from the land, but the inhabitants fear their power. “Forge Your Destiny” is the big tagline for the trailer and suggests a morality system. This would be interesting and would differentiate Avowed from its most obvious influence.

Avowed has had comparisons drawn between it and Skyrim, mostly due to its first-person view and fantasy themes. This could be a good thing since The Elder Scrolls VI will be in development for a while, but also because there haven't been many AAA games to take a crack at Bethesda's formula. More variety and competition are always good and it's fair to say there's some genuine hype behind this title.

Avowed will release sometime in 2024 on Game Pass, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam.

Image Source: Official Steam Page