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CIVILIZATION VI Holding "Battle Royale" Between Rulers On Twitch

This Wednesday, 2K will be live on Twitch pitting 8 of the Civilization VI rulers against each other in an all AI controlled match for fans to spectate. According to their website, the following nations will be in play during the live stream...

  • Aztecs
  • Brazil
  • England
  • Greece (Gorgo)
  • Japan
  • Rome
  • Russia
  • Spain

The live stream will begin at 3:30pm ET / 12:30pm PT / 8:30pm BST on 2K Games Twitch page. If you happen to miss the action, you'll be able to see the entire replay on Youtube shortly after its end. 

Personally, I'm just ready to see a full game in action! I've been waiting forever for this release.