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Concord Could Cost $40 According To Early PlayStation Store Listing

Concord was recently revealed at the latest State of Play a few days ago. it had a very luke-warm reception and many fans are on the fence about the game. With a beta set to take place in July followed by an August 23rd release date, fans were wondering if the PS5 hero shooter would be free-to-play or paid? We now have an answer.

According to an early listing on PlayStation Australia, the game is priced at $60 AUD. Helldivers 2 was also priced at $60 AUD and was later sold for $40 on the US Store.

The game having a price entry point when a lot of modern shooters on consoles such as Paladins and Overwatch 2 are free-to-play is a bold risk. When you also add in that the game will also require mandatory signing in your PSN ID, the number of players you can engage becomes marginally shorter. While Sony has not yet announced the latter, we all know it is inevitable.

With such a steep price point and with limiting PC players to PSN only countries, Concord looks like it could be setting up for a very reduced launch. We can only hope that Sony and Firewalk Studios know what they are doing.