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Co-op Superhero Hack 'N' Slash Title SUPERFUSE Announced With Comic Book Trailer

Showing their hands right out the gate with an initial announcement trailer featuring the comic book style cutscenes that are sure to fill a superhero-themed game along with a glimpse of gameplay is quite a bold move. Yet, that is what I would expect from developer Stitch Heads Entertainment and publisher Raw Fury as they reveal Superfuse.

Centuries ago, humanity escaped the dying Earth with technology funded by the corporate elite. As humans spread across the solar system, the wealthy lived in luxury, extending their lives and augmenting themselves with superpowers, becoming gods while the rest of humanity barely clung to life. Dissent grew but a new threat emerged in the form of shambling monsters called the Corruption. And so the corporate gods created the Enforcers to patrol the solar system and deal with the danger posed by the Corruption.

Superfuse players will be able to be played solo or with up to four friends in cooperative gameplay and it features a robust skill-tree system that lets you customize your powers and build your own superhero. Currently, it is planned to release on Steam Early Access later this year with the full release planned for 2023. Tell is in the comments, what do you think of this upcoming ARPG?