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Could THE LAST OF US 2 Be Destined For PC?

Well, it seems that the next console generation could prove to be a very interesting one. A recent job listing from Naughty Dog has hinted towards a possibility of an upcoming PC project. The listing specifically states that candidates should be familiar with current GPU architecture and Direct X12 and Vulkan APIs. Now, of course, this could just be Naughty Dog looking for a skilled programmer to help with upcoming PS5 projects but what if we are looking at the first signs of an upcoming Naughty Dog project for PC?! Naughty Dog’s newest title, The Last of Us 2, is almost upon us and maybe even it could potentially see release on the PC.

With Sony courting other platforms with the announcement of MLB The Show coming to multiple platforms soon and even the rumor of Horizon: Zero Dawn being PC bound, the move doesn’t seem too unlikely. Microsoft has long had a history of releasing first-party titles on PC dating back to the original Xbox. Over the course of the Xbox One’s life, the shift towards simultaneous releases has become the standard for Microsoft and that doesn’t look likely to change anytime soon. It makes sense that Sony could follow a similar note in the coming generation. PC is becoming a more dominant platform once again after the bleak early 2010s and many PC players just don’t want to own another gaming box. Releasing your games on the platform is just another way to bring in new players and drive growth.

Now, I don’t think that Sony will follow Microsoft’s lead with day and date releases across PlayStation and PC but a year down the road I see it as a real possibility. I know it is a lot to derive from a simple Job listing but this is the way the industry appears to be moving. It will be interesting to learn more in the coming months as we get closer to the launch of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X!

Do you hope Sony will start to release their titles on PC?