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Crytek Lets Loose A New Event On HUNT: SHOWDOWN

Constantly providing new reasons to keep playing their game, Crytek has released another event for its Hunt: Showdown player base. This event is called Traitor’s Moon: The Dark Is Rising and it will go on until April 14th. During the event, players can get rewards for completing challenges, solving clues, looting corpses, and smashing effigies.

A range of new stackable boosters are available for players to accelerate their progress, and new stories about a sinister plan for the manipulation of the corruption in the bayou will be revealed. Plus, players can unlock early access to four new weapons – the Scottfield Brawler, Berthier Riposte, Caldwell Model 92, and Winfield Model 93 – and further rewards include new legendary skins for weapons and equipment. These four weapons won't be officially available in-game until a future date after the event, so now's a great time to get hands-on experience with them.

Along with this update, they have released the Meridian Turncoat DLC which brings a new legendary hunter whose mind is set on revenge after being sent to war and falsely accused of treason for being the sole survivor of an ambush. This DLC also includes two legendary weapons, a pair of Dolch 96 pistols named Crossfire and Ambush, plus a new legendary ammo crate – Red Cask.

This event and new DLC are available to all Hunt: Showdown players on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Are you ready to step back into the hunting grounds?