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Da Vinci Comes To HUMANKIND In New Event

Celebrating the pinnacle of the Renaissance, Humankind launches its Vitruvian update and Da Vinci Event. Finally live, these two additions to the game have been long-awaited from fans and make a bunch of improvements that have been sorely needed while also offering new cosmetics into the mix.

The Vitruvian update makes a number of adjustments that enhance the Humankind experience in some excellent ways. For example, notifications can now be set to not automatically expand even if the ribbon is open and Trebuchets are now available until the end of the Industrial Era just to name a couple. 

The Da Vinci Event celebrates the achievements of visionary artist Leonardo Da Vinci by exploring many of his numerous inventions and creations. Split into two chapters, this event allows players to earn exclusive Symbols, Decorations, and the Leonardo Da Vinci Persona by completing various challenges throughout the event's time live. Also, unlike other events, both Chapters will unlock at once so you can tackle any of the challenges the way you want. 

We cant wait to jump in and earn our Da Vinci Persona!! So make sure to join us and complete all your challenges by May 16th to unlock all the rewards. Be sure to also watch the event trailer above!