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DEAD BY DAYLIGHT Launches Epic Halloween Event

Over the weekend, Behaviour Digital Inc. have gone all out with a brand new event for Dead by Daylight players to enjoy a festive Halloween! Starting back on October 19th and planned to go until November 2nd, leaving a remaining eleven days left on the event, fittingly titled The Hallowed Blight, now is your chance to earn your way to some awesome Halloween-themed outfits for select survivors and killers.

The coolest part of The Hallowed Blight event is that it comes with its own story, told a little more with each day the event is active, and centers around investigating horrific experiments conducted on unwilling specimens injected with toxins from a mysterious plant only found in the world of the Entity. This is the explanation for the terrifying, aggressive fluid-filled killers on the hunt for unsuspecting survivors.

With the event capping at sixty vials completed, thirty that can be earned as a killer and thirty as a survivor, these vials will be usable at the in-game story for specific cosmetic items. Collecting the fluid, known as Putrid Serum, for the vials isn’t as hard as it seems at first either! The basic concept for collection is as follows:

  • Survivors must find these strange plants that glow orange in the map. The default amount of these plants is two but using a purchasable offering from the blood web will allow another plant to spawn; however, this will also spawn an extra event hook for the killer. Once you find the plant the player must harvest it. The plants are shared, so if one survivor harvests the entire plant then it is used up, so don’t be greedy and share the wealth with your team!

  • Killers must place a survivor on a Cankerous Hook. These look like regular hooks except they have a strange black plant with orange bubbles on it. After hooking a survivor one time, even if it is the survivors first time being hooked, you will gain a sixth (1/6) of a full vial.

While you don’t gain a whole lot every time you harvest or hook a survivor on the event hooks, with enough players using the event-based offering you can fill an empty vial all the way with only one match! Keep in mind though, if you are almost full then you will not be able to start working on the next vial. This means conserve your event boost offerings when you are a couple hooks or one plant harvest away from filling the current vial you are working on.

I’ve already been having a lot of fun collecting these vials and am getting pretty close to upgrading to the new Halloween axe for my Huntress. Plan on unlocking these items as I gain another ten vials to amp up the horror of my main killer. Have to say though, the Wraith got the most intimidating and epic looking costume for the Halloween event.

Which Halloween costume do you like the most from The Hallowed Blight event? Which costume pieces do you plan to aim for before the time is up?