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DEAD BY DAYLIGHT Two Year Anniversary Content Comes With A Promise From The Game Director

May has already had quite a bit of free content for a few games celebrating their anniversary, including Tekken and Friday the 13th. With the month nearing the end, another team has launched a bunch of free content for their player base to enjoy.

Behaviour Digital has announced that for the two year anniversary of Dead by Daylight, they have added a few things. The main addition is a new chapter named Curtain Call, which will introduce players to a new killer, The Clown, and a new survivor, Kate Denson. The new chapter will take place in Campbell's Chapel.

There is also a new in-game store, which is considered to be in a Public Test Build (PTB) state, to purchase cosmetic items as well as some of the game characters. The team even worked on an overhaul the economy to include two main changes:

  • Iridescent Shards will be gained with playtime through a new player level system.
  • Auric Cells will be available for purchase.

Despite the fact that they launched a road map back in March, there was talk among the Dead by Daylight fans that they were concerned that Behaviour Digital's latest game to go into closed Alpha, DeathGarden, was going to be the end of the game. I feel this update shows that they have no intention of letting that happen, but it's even better to hear it straight from the Dead by Daylight Game Director, Mathieu Côté.

“We can’t believe it’s already been two years. What’s even more incredible is that this was just the beginning. We are committed to making Dead by Daylight bigger and more fun (or terrifying) in the long run. In March, we introduced our new roadmap. We will continue developing new chapters, features and perks for as long as players demand it and will now introduce mid-chapter patches to ensure balancing and proper bug fixing.” 

That's confirmation enough to say that Dead by Daylight won't be going anywhere until the player fan base decides they are ready to move on. With the new chapter and the in-game store now available, what are you looking forward to trying out most; The Clown, the store, or the new survivor?