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Dear Microsoft, Please For The Love Of Gaming Bring Back Xbox Live Arcade

Dear Microsoft,

I'll skip the bravado and get to the point. Out of all the things that have changed for the better from 360 to Xbox One, the store is not one of them. It's a jumbled, redundant, and really just a piece of s***. Major Nelson I know you see the pictures on the forums, how do you justify a store page that looks like this?

Picture courtesy of /u/mmmnjes

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Just a personal story here, I was psyched beyond belief when it was finally announced that Chivalry would be coming to Xbox One. I waited for the release day...went to the store...and saw nothing. Finally after seeing a thread online where someone was talking about the game it took not one...not two...but three searches of the store before I GAVE UP AND BOUGHT IT OFF THE WEBSITE FROM MY F***** COMPUTER.

Xbox Live Arcade was the cornerstone of the 360's success. It literally was the foundation indie game development started on. World Series of Poker, Chivalry, Trials HD, Super Meat Boy, and countless other games made their DEBUT on your platform, and went on to widespread success! These were the games I played between the big games, and most I played exclusively in the final days before making the switch to the One!

The current system of grouping games is killing the magic of finding the next big indie hit. I'm not going to wade through your list of new releases when every major publisher release has six purchasing options from which you can choose from.

There is absolutely no loss in you bringing back Xbox Live Arcade....

  1. You would be bringing back a feature a VAST majority of your audience wants.
  2. You have the blessing of Greg Canessa who CREATED Xbox Live Arcade.
  3. You would be greatly expanding the available library.

The final key I know is huge for you. You've had people busting their asses night in and out to port 360 games over to the system (to varying degrees of success let's be honest) when you have a treasure chest of games underneath a pile of immeasurable s***. Imagine if we actually had Xbox Live Arcade to find those indie games to tide us over, or God forbid find a hidden gem while you take your sweet time getting these ports right the first time you move them over?

It sounds amazing doesn't it? You can totally do just do it already. For the love of gaming, please bring back Xbox Live Arcade.