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DEATHGROUND Will See If Can You Survive The Threat Of Dinosaurs!

Ever since the beginning of a series of game remakes had started, many have been thinking of various titles they would love to see made for the new generation of gaming. Among the list of games many have been hoping to see remade, Dino Crisis has been a popular choice. However, without even so much as a rumor that this is a possibility, it is time to look into a new opportunity that has come up.

This new game comes from indie developers Jaw Drop Games and they are calling it Deathground. In their game, players can either go in solo or with a team of up to 3 friends in a squad-based action to try and survive a looming threat of dinosaurs. These dinosaurs may be AI, but they are not to be underestimated because they are sure to be smart. They are being made by the same developers that worked on horror games with smart AI in them, such as Alien Isolation and Amnesia.

Honestly, if the reveal trailer above isn’t enough to convince you at how awesome Deathground is looking to be, you can check out the gameplay teaser below. These videos have already convinced many and gained hype for their game as their Kickstarter, which still has a week left to continue build funding, has already reached its goal and is still climbing! Are you ready for an all-new dinosaur-based survival horror game?