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DECISION: RED DAZE Launches On Steam!

The zombie genre of video games is so oversaturated with content that we are constantly looking for an entry that stands out from the general crowd and really shows us something interesting. Indie developer FlyAnvil has just released their newest title Decision: Red Daze on Steam and it might be that one golden zombie game that can genuinely set itself aside from the common rabble. 

Decision: Red Daze is interesting because it is a mixing pot of genres, layered into the context of a zombified world. The Red Daze engulfs the continent leaving anything within it mutated and deranged. This is most violent within an area known as the Dust Bowl. In true video game fashion, this is where you’re headed to establish your base of survivors and look for any other surviving humans around the area. While the story itself isn't the most innovative, the gameplay is what really draws the eye with elements of survival, tower defense, crafting mechanics, and a story that is apparently reminiscent of both Wasteland and the Fallout franchise, drawing attention from fans of both. 

We really are excited to give this a go and see how it stands out from the crowd of zombie titles. Decision: Red Daze is now available on Steam and is ready for everyone to jump in and give it a shot. Be sure to check out the trailer above and also have a look at the dev diaries that are currently on the Steam page which gives a deeper look into the game development.