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DESTINY 2: An Absolutely Amazing, New ViDoc

I was already very excited about the new Shadowkeep expansion for Destiny 2. I was already excited about the new free-to-play model, New-Light, and I was already excited about Season of the Undying and Armor 2.0. However, Bungie has dropped a glorious bombshell of a video oozing with content, teases and reveals. From story previews to crucible maps and new dungeons to powerful weapons, this video showed off what Bungie is wanting to do for this year and the next YEARS to come.

I highly suggest watching the video itself, there is more detailed information with a lot of great actual video. However, I’ll just make a quick rundown for you guys. The moon in haunted by the nightmares of our past, manifestations of our toughest enemies from all of the Destiny franchise seem to be making some appearance. We will go on nightmare hunts to kill these shadows of evil’s past, the harder the challenge, the more we will get out of it. We will make weapons the way we want to deck out our monster killing machines. Along with that, there is the new raid and a new seasonal activity to send the Vex back to their milky home. Then three new PVP maps with a totally revamped crucible menu and set up will be coming too. There is a lot to do this fall, and there will be much, much more in the future.

Let us know why you’re excited about Shadowkeep and what you want out of Destiny a few years down the road. Shadowkeep releases October 1st, basically two weeks from now, get ready guardian!