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DESTINY 2 Set to Recognize Veteran Achievements

Destiny 2 is set to be released in September this year, and many of us are eager to get our hands on it. Developer Bungie has apparently been watching closely for comments on how the Destiny franchise can be improved, and today's Bungie blog reveals one special improvement that the fans have apparently been crying for.

According to Bungie, all those veterans who played Destiny so faithfully will be recognised and rewarded in the sequel. Although they refuse to shed too much light on the experience, not wanting to spoil it for you, they do hint at what this veteran status might hold in store for you:

We say a little light, because we have competing goals to contend with on this subject. Some of the ways in which we’ll tip our hat to your legacy in Destiny 2, and some of the ways you’ll be able to show all the young pups that you’d become legend long before they were ever reborn in the Cosmodrome, are best left for you to experience for yourself. Others are little touches that will fall snuggly into the realm of “you just had to be there.” We’re not going to spoil them for you right here and right now.

Having said that, Bungie doesn't want us walking into Destiny 2 unprepared though. There will be some achievements that will carry over into the sequel, so they've let us know which these are so that we can spend the next few months getting them before D2 releases. 

  • Laurel Triumphant: You completed a Moment of Triumph during Destiny’s first year.
  • Laurea Prima II: You completed all 10 Moments of Triumph during Destiny’s first year.
  • Slayer of Oryx: You owned The Taken King and completed a Moment of Triumph during Destiny’s second year.
  • Heard the Call: You owned The Taken King and completed all 8 Moments of Triumph during Destiny’s second year.
  • Young Wolf: You owned Rise of Iron and reached Rank 2 in the Age of Triumph record book.
  • Saladin’s Pride: You owned Rise of Iron and reached Rank 7 in the Age of Triumph record book.
  • Lore Scholar: Your achieved a Grimoire score of over 5,000 in Destiny 1

It's not as easy as just getting these achievements though. You have to be a Destiny veteran in every sense of the word. You need to have spend the two years not only playing the game, but standing together and completing almost every mission possible. You must have really shown your worth. Isn't it nice to finally be appreciated for all those hours devoted to this game?

It is to be noted that these achievements will be tracked until 1 August 2017. Thereafter, data will be frozen in preparation for D2 launch. Also, if you want to secure your Age of Triumph shirt, there are a host of activities to be completed before then too. All I can say to you die-hards: have tremendous fun, game away and let us know if you get all  your achievements!


Source: Bungie Blog