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Dev Diary For LEMNIS GATE Breaks Down The Blend Of FPS And Strategy

Sometimes the ambition of a developer can lead to a game being overly complicated or a hard concept to grasp. One game that seems to be bordering on the possibility of being too complex for its players is Lemnis Gate. Luckily, both developer Ratloop Games and publisher Frontier Foundry are getting ahead of this possibility with a new dev diary series. The first of which can be found above where they discuss how they are blending FPS gameplay with strategy.

To simplify it, this game is an FPS title that is stuck in a time loop. Each team features a unique set of seven operatives, each with their own abilities, and is trying to reach the ultimate goal of making their parallel reality the true one. In order to win, players will need to uncover the outlandish strategies they can employ, and discover the bold new possibilities afforded by a game set across four dimensions.

As of right now, their plan is to release sometime this Summer and Lemnis Gate will be available on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Do you think you have the strategic skills to come out on top this Summer?