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Devlover Digital Offers Help To Port RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 To The PC

A few days ago, Rockstar Games officially announced the online component of Red Dead Redemption 2 called Red Dead Online that is set to launch this November. Unfortunately, it seems that the game will only come to consoles and PC players won’t be able to take part in it. Now, Devlover Digital offers its lending hand to possibly help Rockstar Games bring the game to the PC.

Not long after the initial announcement of Red Dead Online, Devolver Digital, known by their games such as Broforce and Enter the Gungeon, has offered its services to bring the game to the PC. In a tweet released by the studio, Devolver expressed their interest to help by saying, “Hello, we’d like to publish your new cowboy game on the PC.”

Currently, Rockstar Games has not responded to the tweet, but it is unlikely that they would accept the offer. It is worth remembering that GTA V was initially released on consoles before coming to the PC with several enhancements and has since become a best-seller.

Red Dead Redemption 2 launches on October 26, for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.