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DIABLO II: RESURRECTED Open Beta Looks and Feels Just Right


Talk about timing. In a panic, I realized the left button on my mouse was dying the other day. After a countless number of clicks through the previous alpha of Diablo II: Resurrected among others, it finally gave up the ghost. Luckily, right when I received my shiny new mouse, the folks at Blizzard graced us with Early Access to the latest beta that brings more of the same Act I and II content but adds the Paladin and Druid while focusing more on the online/MP aspects of the game.

The stunning detail present in the remastered cinematics will sure to please both veterans and newcomers.

While a lot of the same goodness that was present in the alpha is present in the beta, it just looks and feels right. There is a layer of polish that is not only impressive, switching back and forth between the old graphics engine and new, never gets old. It’s truly amazing how we are playing the same Diablo II we all fell in love with so many years ago but it just looks and sounds so darn good. Luckily, the multiplayer functionality, besides the unfortunate loss of direct TCP/IP connections, seems to work well for the beta as well. I dove into several Act I parties and had a blast hacking my way through waves of enemies. I didn’t suffer any issues with joining, creating, or playing in a party though I did have a few times where lag was present in even just a single player online session but that only happened for a few quick seconds. PSA: There is no offline option for this beta in particular. Either way, The loot and drop rate of Diablo II is just so much more rewarding than recent ARPGs. It truly shines after almost 20 years and that is what stands out whether playing alone or with a group.

The brilliant lighting, detail, and sharpening options truly shine in one of the best remasters in recent memory.

To be honest, I had to pull myself away from the beta because the loot hunt, solid gameplay, and addictive nature (in the best of ways) coupled with wanting to explore my way through every area of the game started to take hold again. I want to save some of that magic for the full release without having my progress wiped. That being said, that draw is a testament to the amazing achievement from the team at VV and Blizzard in taking a 20 year old game, modernizing it but preserving what made it so special in the first place.

Pro Tip: You can zoom in using the “F” key on PC to see all the care put into recreating the new 3D models and high res textures. Pro-Pro TIp: If you hold the “F” key and school your mouse wheel, it’s a gradual zoom.

Overall, I am very pleased to report, the game is shaping up to be exactly what fans have been clamoring for: The near-perfect gameplay of Diablo II: LoD combined with modern graphics and QoL improvements that are truly helpful but doesn’t take anything away from the original, legendary experience. Whether you are a die-hard veteran or new to the series, take the leap. It’s oh so delicious.

You can still pre-purchase the game to get Early Access before the open beta hits on August 20th for PC and consoles. The full game is set to release on September 23rd on PC, Consoles, and Switch.