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Drink Like A Dungeon Master With ICE DICE BABY!

There have been a handful of different ice trays and molds created for Dungeons and Dragons fans to enjoy their drinks with ice in the shape of dice. But nothing compares to an opportunity to have the true clickity-clack of real dice and that is something that the team over at The Boardgame Zone believes as well. So, they created something new for their drinks - Ice Dice Baby!

Instead of the temporary dice-shaped ice, they are creating actual twenty-sided dice that can be used to keep your drinks cool. This gadget will be great for dexterity checks, killing monsters, and cooling off your favorite single malt, mineral water, or healing potion. It is made from a pocket piece of volcano cunningly fashioned into a stylish twenty-sided die from pure polished obsidian.

With a team like The Boardgame Zone, a new boardgame accessories brand with unlimited potential, behind this project and then factor in their Kickstarter project is already more than 350% successful, this product is like rolling a natural twenty! Of course, the project still has more than two weeks to go, so if you want to get in on the funding and claim a reward slot, now’s your chance.

They are currently creating two different monsters for the theme of these dice. Above is the image of the two dice with the LichKing style on the left and the IceDragon style on the right. Which die do you like more?