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EVERSPACE 2 Launches into Early Access


Yeah, the first EVERSPACE was one of my fave indie titles of the last few years and EVERSPACE 2 has launched into Early Access and is shaping up to be the perfect sequel: Familiar but expanded in a every category and for the most part, a triumph even over the fantastic first entry. There was so much love and effort put into the game by ROCKFISH Games and EVERSPACE 2 is definitely showing up to be a passion project for bigger, more expansive worlds.

I can’t believe it’s been for years since I first fell in love with EVERSPACE but in such a strange year and smack dab in the middle of a dreary winter for most of North America, it’s perfect timing to buckle down, strap in, and cozy up to a symphony of laser, blasters, warp drives, mysterious shipwrecks deep in space and just lose yourself.

Even though in Early Access and some cinematics, for example, are not complete, EVERSPACE 2 already plays great, sounds sublime and looks absolutely phenomenal. Be sure to check out the full resolution screenshots present here by clicking on any one of them to see fully untouched, raw images of this gorgeous piece of space and eye candy. More to come but if you liked EVERSPACE, EVERSPACE 2 is even more epic with a range of freedom not even imagined in the first game…