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Everything We Know About: Nintendo NX

Nothing has been more shrouded in mystery than Nintendo's follow-up to the Wii-U. Despite it's secrecy, a few secrets have managed to find their way to the web and have been confirmed by others in the industry. The following is a list of things we know and things that are rumored that will hopefully give you a better view of what Nintendo's next move is...

What We Know

  • Nintendo is releasing the NX in March 2017.
  • The console will run off Nvidia's mobile Tegra processor and feature a new OS and about 32 GB's of storage. 
  • The console has been confirmed by many sources to be a mixture between a handheld and home system
  • Zelda: Breath of The Wild has been confirmed as a launch title. Pokemon was recently confirmed to be coming within the first year as well, and Mario was rumored awhile back. All of the moves seem to make sense as none of them were present on the Wii-U. Square Enix announced they would be bringing Dragon Quest XI and X to the NX. 
  • Shigeru Miyamoto says Nintendo intentionally kept the NX out of this years E3 for fear of imitation. 
  • There's a lot of mention in numerous interviews about the NX being "Wii" levels of innovative. It sounds more and more like Nintendo will have a big gimmick for this console.
  • Nintendo announced a "Quality of Life" product they were producing in honor of Satoru Iwata around the same time they confirmed the release date. 

What Is Rumored

  • It has been hinted more and more that Nintendo will be returning to a cartridge of some sort. The most solid rumor came back in May when Japanese company Macronix (who makes 3DS cartridges) said they expected a "big order" from Nintendo in their 3rd quarter. This would have put the cartridges in development in plenty of time to ship for the NX launch in Spring. 
  • Nintendo may be pursuing a "social" share feature on their controllers to link to social media.
  •  It's been rumored that Nintendo will be "exploring" the options of VR for the NX. 
  • A Neogaf thread said that the NX shoulder buttons feature "scroll wheels" for fast navigation. 
  • Super Smash Brothers has been rumored for release. That seems a tad obvious but there has been no indication another game is in development and Nintendo has never ported over a Smash title between consoles. 

There are a lot of other "rumors" but for now these seem like the most solid bets for things that will actually appear on the NX.

We'll keep this post updated as more stuff comes to light so be sure to keep checking in!