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Explore The WEIRD WEST In Your Own Way

Wolfeye Studios has provided another look at their upcoming game, Weird West, that focuses on the abilities players will unlock and how they factor into combat and stealth encounters. Weird West is full of immersive elements that will affect how players approach any situation, and just about everything in the environment is interactive.

The new trailer shows off a few different combat scenarios and details the various tools and systems players can use to create their own, unique strategies for taking down enemies. The trailer also teases some of the abilities players can unlock throughout the game, including the ability to ignite their surroundings and rain down lightning on nearby enemies.

The final part of the trailer reveals some of the stealth mechanics in Weird West, including climbable buildings, teleporting, and invisibility. Enemy combatants can be knocked unconscious or stunned, and several of the game’s abilities and weapons support a stealthy approach to each of Weird West’s encounters.

All of these mechanics come together to provide a customizable experience that Wolfeye is hoping will allow players to experience Weird West in whatever way they find the most fun. Weird West will be coming to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Game Pass, and PC via Steam on March 31st, 2022.