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Fixes For Everyone's Favorite Shotgun Are Finally Coming To GEARS 5!

Shortly following the launch of Gears 5’s second operation, Free For All, players noticed that the Gnasher shotgun wasn’t behaving as it was before, especially for those playing on mouse and keyboard. The Coalition have reached out with a statement, letting the community know that they hear us loud and clear, and have started working on fixes for everyone’s favorite shotgun. This will essentially be TL;DR about everything that the official statement covers, if you want all of the details, be sure to check that out.

After the rigorous investigation, the team was able to identify three different issues: One being the root cause of this whole ordeal, a bug that is specific to mouse and keyboard players, and the last one being a rare issue, but is something the team can work on thanks to their in-depth investigation.

We’ll start with the root cause: Magnetism Calculations. Due to a knock on from the third Title Update, Gnasher bullet magnetism was only active at extremely close ranges, causing less magnetism than usual, making the Gnasher feel more inconsistent as a byproduct.

Mouse and keyboard players have been impacted by a bug that completely removes bullet magnetism when firing from the hip. Meaning that mouse users did not receive the benefit of the already minimal magnetism range for the Gnasher that was affecting all players. Good news is the fix will arrive within the next week alongside Title Update 4.

On the rarer side of things, there have instances where a player switches their weapon and the pellets appear to just phase right through the enemy. The issue is that players can shoot 4 frames early following weapon swap, causing the Gnasher to not be in the normal firing position causing pellets to not go where they should. Although not coming in the next Title Update, we should see this fix happening soon after.