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Free Demo For INKBOUND Hits Steam Early

With Steam Next Fest around the corner, many are looking forward to trying out a handful of exciting titles. The development team over at Shiny Shoe wanted to let their players get a head start and released the free demo for Inkbound early! Players can try this tactical turn-based title now until February 16th.

Since this demo release is following their latest Technical Test, they have incorporated player feedback into an updated test build. This updated version fixes some rare progression blockers and enhances the game's overall stability. Players who participated in the previous Technical Test will retain their progress, while new players have a chance to enjoy the tactical online RPG and its fast-paced battles, thrilling co-op, and endlessly replayable roguelike runs. 

If this is the first you are hearing about Inkbound, be sure to check out their lore reveal to get all the details of what this game has to offer. The game’s free demo is available now on PC via Steam.