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Fresh Details Revealed For Upcoming FRAGILE EXISTENCE

Hooded Horse has revealed some details for one of its upcoming published games, from solo-developer Lee Harris of Fragile Continuum. Fragile Existence is defining itself as a RTS/4X/Survival, something that has really never been attempted or imagined, and from looking at the most recent video update it has been one hell of a development.

Fragile Existence is based hundreds of years in the future, as humanity is all but wiped off the galactic stage. A single fleet of survivors, 12,000 souls onboard, is all that remains between humans and extinction. Players will need to manage the fleet, gather resources, control units across multiple solar systems, and continuously move to survive the seemingly unstoppable foe chasing behind. How exactly that will present itself remains to be seen, but the gameplay that has been revealed looks very exciting and fresh. Featuring seamless space-to-ground operations, a slew of custom editors, and what looks to be a sandbox experience, Fragile Existence is an indie title I am definitely looking forward to.

It has been revealed that Fragile Existence will be released later this year after it was featured in last week’s TactiCon (hosted by Hooded Horse and Firesquid). For more information on the status of this game, check out the official website HERE.

Take a look at the newest developer diary featuring Lee Harris below detailing the last 2 years of development, and let us know your thoughts in the comments. Fragile Existence will be released on PC via Steam and GoG later this year.