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From Yogscast Games Comes HEXARCHY - A 4x Deckbuilder

More awesome news from the Yogscast Games Direct 2023 for all you OG Youtube watchers out there, Yogscast Games just announced news on a ton of the indie games they’re helping develop. One of the games they’re working on is Hexarchy, a new game from developer Main Tank Software. It will be a unique mix of 4X gameplay and deckbuilding, and now has a playtest available on steam.

As one of the many announcements coming from the Yogscast Games Direct 2023, Hexarchy looks particularly promising. You can find more of our coverage on Yogscast Games Direct 2023 here.

Hexarchy’s main claim to fame is that it is a fast-paced strategy game that combines the best elements from deckbuilders, 4X strategy, and hex-based board games to create a very promising experience. Hexarchy challenges players to build a deck to find their chosen civilizations that can develop economies, research new technologies, and conquer enemies. Hexarchy takes the weighty decisions of a normal lengthy 4X game and compresses them into action-packed 60-minute games.

In a game of Hexarchy you will build a deck and make it your own style, playing cards from your hand to perform actions on the board. Construct building on your hexes to collect resources and broaden your empire or use your resources to play technology cards to expand and improve your deck. Develop an economy that fuels your objectives, balancing the happiness of your civilization with the demands of war.

Hexarchy will release sometime in 2023, but access to the playtest can be requested now via Steam on PC.