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Gameplay Clips For AMNESIA: THE BUNKER Are Dropping

Not even a month after Frictional Games initially announced the next title in their popular horror series, Amnesia: The Bunker, and they have started dropping gameplay videos! Granted, these videos are very short, but they show a glimpse into the new direction they are taking the series in, gameplay-wise.

The first clip, shown above, gives a look at one of the ways we can handle a padlocked door. We also get a quick look at the games reload system as there is a pause after the first bullet is loaded giving the impression that we will have to manually load everything, bullet-by-bullet. Then the second clip, shown below, shows another, much more aggressive, way to open a locked door. This time it didn’t have a padlock, but it seems we will be able to blow up some gunpowder barrels with a simple flare.

Amnesia: The Bunker is already looking to be quite different than the rest of the series as they have literally blown up the idea of keeping quiet. Or perhaps these clips are a bit misleading and the loud, brash ways to open lock doors are simply an expansion of the unscripted open-world style they are going with. What do you think of these first two gameplay clip reveals?

Amnesia: The Bunker is planned to release in March 2023 for PC via Steam and Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.