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Gardening And Gore In Top-Down Horror Shooter HELL IS OTHERS

Combine a city that runs on blood, creepy rabbit people, and a carnivorous bonsai tree, and you have Hell Is Others, the new top-down shooter developed by Strelka Games and Yonder.

Published by A List Games, Hell Is Others has hit Steam right at the peak of spooky season, and for good reason. The whole thing is a surreal, macabre affair. The player takes the role of Adam Smithson, who lives alone in a high-rise apartment above a chaotic, eternally dark urban sprawl. His only companion is his beloved bonsai tree, but like everything in Century City, it lives on blood. As a result, Adam has to gear up and venture into the warped nightmare below to try and eke out supplies.

Wandering through the gloomy streets, Adam is likely to run into monsters that have an eerie familiarity about them. Therein lies Hell Is Others' take on PVP. Players will appear to others as the enemy, and vice-versa. Killing them brings the player loot, and also brings another's run to an abrupt end and costs them their items.

The stakes are high, but the plants need watering. If they're happy, they might give a little something back.

Hell Is Others is available for PC now on Steam and is currently running at a 13% discounted price as part of the Halloween event.