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Gather Proof That THEY ARE HERE In This Alien Abduction Horror Game

It’s always been a comical trope that when paranormal and extraterrestrial activities take place, those that witness it are unable to prove the event actually happened. Well, indie developer DEKLAZON is creating a game that tasks the player with the burden of recording evidence and finding the truth behind an alien abduction that they witness in They Are Here. This first-person horror game even has a free demo available now on Steam for players to get an idea of what’s to come.

As a journalist who witnessed an alien abduction at Grayswood Farms, it is up to you to gather evidence with only a flashlight, camera, and an investigator’s curiosity for the truth. These events took place following unexplained phenomena that occurred at Grayswood Farm. For instance, the Sherman family witnessed bright lights in the sky that moved at a breakneck speed over the cornfield. The lights moved in a random direction and at different speeds, after a while, they vanished. During these strange events, the animals went crazy, the dog became aggressive, to the point that it tried to attack him and bit him. Children complained that someone was walking under their windows. Farmer Peter Sherman himself, in the field, saw a strange figure that did not look like a man.

They Are Here seems to have a rather basic principle for an alien horror game, but it still seems to be an interesting experience, if nothing else. It isn’t the first game to take the alien approach, but it will be interesting to investigate the circumstances in a modernized horror game. I’ll have to check out the demo and see if the game truly has potential.