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Genre-defying CHERNOBYLITE Launches Tomorrow

Not What You Think

When I first saw screenshots and previews of Chernobylite, I thought I had it all figured out. “Ah, a modern version of STALKER. I know exactly what this is.:”, I thought to myself. Little did I know that several days with the press build of the game, I am still getting a grasp on how to categorize the game and I mean that as a compliment in the days of cookie-cutter design, clones, and sequels. After receiving the absolutely fantastic media kit for the game, I was even more intrigued to dive into the game.

Chernobylite so far has a bit of everything including a haunting story (wonderfully presented in either spoken Russian or English), some heavy old school RPG elements, base building, crafting, exploration, stealth, and FPS elements.

There are plenty of heart-pounding and creepy moments abound right from the start of the game.

Granted, this isn’t the first game to attempt stuffing several different elements or genres into one title but I rarely see it all done so well. Yes, there are some quirky controls and questionable design choices but the end results are not only intriguing, there always seems to be some story bit to unlock and new items to obtain or craft. Regardless, the game is truly genre-defying as it doesn’t fit into one or even two nice little checkboxes. It’s truly a unique and so far, gloriously unique title, especially in 2021.

The small films and art hidden inside the game are truly top notch.

While Chernobylite has been available for a while in early access, the full retail build of the game launches tomorrow July 28th on PC (GOG and Steam) while console versions will launch in September. The game is an absolute steal for the suggested price of $29.99 and the devs deserve every dime of that for putting so much passion and detail into the project. Check back for our full review in the coming days.