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Get Stoked For WRC9'S Release With An Extensive Interview With Its Creative Director

During Gamescom 2020, NACON put together a great little interview with WRC 9’s Creative Director, Alain Jarniou. There’s a lot of really useful information packed into a video that comes in just under 8 minutes. Jarniou discusses what we’ll see in the game at its release and what’s expected post-launch.

They’ve upgraded the game in just about every aspect since its last entry in the series. The developers have also taken a closer look at how they could make each track and location distinct from one another. He speaks about the team’s dedication to making the game as close to the real thing as possible. At a gaming event in Finland, they even had really rally car drivers try out the game to get their opinions on the experience. The drivers gave them very positive feedback as opposed to their past WRC games, finding that it felt more comfortable to them.

WRC 9 sees one of the franchise’s most highly anticipated additions in its new Clubs Mode. Here, you’ll get to create your own driving club and challenges for players to get in on. You’re basically given the tools to create your own championship. You can pick the tracks, car classes, and weather conditions.

The game will also be continuously updated with new free content. For example, In the game, Portugal will receive new cars, modes, and teams 2 months after its release. Players will also get a Photo Mode to use in-game. There’s a lot of emphasis on the new Co-Driver Mode that puts one player in the driver seat and the other one in the position of the co-driver. The co-driver’s job is to help the driver navigate the course by reading the paste notes. This will be a 2-player co-op mode.

WRC 9 comes out tomorrow (September 3rd) on PC and releases for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on September 8th. The game will also be available for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X but their date has not yet been revealed. You can check out the Legendary Cars trailer below if the interview above wasn’t enough to get you excited for next week!