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Guru Larry Tackles Modern Censorship of Retro Games

George Orwell once said “He who controls the past, controls the future.” Although, in this case, “he” is “they”, and “they” are multi-million and billion-dollar gaming companies.

Sometimes when retro games are re-released, they need to be tweaked a bit. Sometimes there’s a technical issue, sometimes there are intellectual rights concerns. And other times…. cultural and religious concerns run amuck. Guru Larry, a UK-based content creator has a fixture in Internet media for over a decade now. If you don’t know of his time at Channel Awesome, perhaps you know him from the ScrewAttack days. His most recent video covers some wacky censorship in recent versions of popular games. From Shinobi to Devil’s Crush, no genre is spared outrageous and uncalled for censorship. Check out his recent video above!