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Halloween Trailer For THE DEVIL IN ME Asks A Threatening Question

It won’t be much longer after Halloween that the Season One finale title in The Dark Pictures Anthology series will be released and so Bandai Namco and Supermassive Games have released a Halloween trailer for The Devil In Me. This trailer gives a bit more insight into the game itself, shows off some new scenes, and most of all, asks the question, ‘Are You Being Watched?’

The trap is set and about to close on the Lonnit Entertainment crew. After luring the struggling group of filmmakers in with the promise of an incredible setting for their failing documentary on H.H. Holmes, their host Granthem Du’Met now watches their every move, plotting and planning their most exquisite deaths. A crack in a wall, a mirror, or a simple detail on a painting can easily hide cameras to stalk them as the killer searches for the perfect moment to strike, and when he does, a terrible fate awaits you.

The Devil In Me is set to release on November 18th for PC via Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. Will you be able to get the Lonnit Entertainment crew out of the murder castle alive?

If you’d like to check out what this game has in store, we shared an hour of gameplay with our first impression that would make for a great Halloween treat!