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HALO: MCC Will Be Available On PC "When It's Ready"

While the PC release of Halo: The Master Chief Collection looks to be nearly upon us, 343 has reiterated that the title will release when it is ready. Community Director Ske7ch took to Twitter to deliver a reply about the launch of the game about a week back where he stated: "when it's ready, it'll launch." I would also like to point out one specific part in that tweet though where they say they made no mention of the entire collection being available by the end of 2019. This is very true 343 did make no mention of this timetable and it was, in fact, co-developer Splash Damage that put that on record.

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I for one am happy that 343 is taking their time with this release. MCC was unlucky to get a rushed released the first time around on Xbox One and it nearly destroyed the game for everyone. It took until September of 2018 for the game to finally be fixed, a good 4 years on from its original release. The latest test flight has even been extended for testers to continue providing valuable feedback for the development team! Halo will soon be available on PC in all of its historic glory and we will all love the extra effort that is being put into it for launch. Take your time 343, take your time.