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Hand-Drawn Horror Game MUNDAUN Will Haunt Players In 2021

Approaching the horror genre with a unique art style can be a bold move, but also exactly what is needed to make a game stand out. Developers over at Hidden Fields have decided that their upcoming game Mundaun will feature the most unique art style they know; their own hand-penciled art style. Combining that with a haunting tale and a partnership with publisher MWM Interactive, so now they have a 2021 Steam release.

Forced to return to their childhood hometown Mundaun after learning of his grandfather’s mysterious death in a fire, he will soon discover that something old and diabolical is haunting the remaining inhabitants. The quest to find out the meaning behind these sinister events takes him on an odyssey up Mundaun mountain: From steep meadows across stony fields and to the snow-covered peak. This journey will have him solving puzzles and surviving hostile encounters, but it will be worth it to know the truth.

It may be a while before this game officially gets released, but they are still giving periodic updates as they continue to progress. The latest update is the new screenshot used for this article and a quick tour of their eerie bridge crossing below. What do you think of their unique art choice?